Sunday, September 9, 2012
Above we have Mitt Romney’s natal chart against election day 6th Nov 2012 in Washington, DC. On the plus side, Mitt has the transiting North Node conjunct natal Jupiter and Moon which brings positive emotions and a fair amount of fortune. Transiting Saturn in the 6th house of everyday work will square Romney’s Midheaven and square his natal Saturn. A big question here. Is Saturn pushing him up a step on the ladder, or is Mitt’s progress being stopped in it’s tracks?
Let’s move back to natal Saturn on Mitt’s chart. There, his Saturn (the inner ring) is conjunct to Pluto and opposite to his Midheaven. You could say natally that his ultimate progress and ambitions in life (Saturn/Midheaven) are in effect blocked by Pluto, affected by a slower moving and thus more powerful planet. Is this a prediction for what happens on 6th November? It happened last time in the Republican nomination process when Romney got so far, before he was defeated by John McCain. He has done better in 2011/12, but will his ambitions be thwarted again this time by Obama?
Transiting Neptune will be square Mitt’s Ascendant and Jupiter/Moon conjunction from his 10th house of career, which is significant as Neptune is personal for Romney as he is a Pisces. These connections can be rather over idealistic, falsely confident and ultimately depressing in nature. Transiting Jupiter square Mercury his chart ruler is optimistic in nature and thinks big without having the substance to back one’s ideas and hopes up, and transiting Uranus which rules his Midheaven is trine to Saturn which shows a switch in ambition and work focus, but will this be as President or will he have to realign his priorities after a second unsuccessful attempt?
Looking to Romney’s progressed Moon, if he wins it will be moving into his 12th house of seclusion and sacrifice which is not ideal for a President as often life ideals and plans tend to break down during this progression. It does tend to signify Mitt moving out of the limelight to reassess his life and ambitions, coming back into the light of day in 2/3 years time in 2015 as it finally connects with his ascendant to start a new cycle in his life.
Right I move to Barack Obama. Ok firstly the initial thing I see is the Moon sitting in Leo conjunct Obama’s Sun. In mundane Astrology, the Moon suggests the people and this says the people’s mood is in accordance with the Leo nature of Obama’s Sun. This Moon is quindecile Obama’s Saturn bringing a focus onto his experience and authority. Transiting Saturn sits square to Obama’s Mercury and Jupiter and inconjunct to his Moon, so his mood may well be quite sombre and business-like on the day, not wanting to get over enthusiastic and optimistic. Obama’s natal chart is ruled by Uranus with Aquarius on the Ascendant and the transiting Nodal Axis is going to be square his natal Uranus/North Node conjunction which does seem to indicate a time of destiny for him, especially as the lucky North Node will still be in conjunction with his Midheaven giving him a career boost.
There are a couple more nice transits here with transiting Jupiter sextile to Obama’s Sun and transiting Pluto trine Obama’s Pluto. This shows a strengthening of power, especially if you look at his Midheaven and see that Pluto through Scorpio rules Obama’s Midheaven (public persona and career status). Transiting Neptune does sit close to Obama’s South Node which may cast a shadow over his whole campaign, however the conjunction has passed through and may not affect him now. Neptune passed Obama’s South Node at 27 Aquarius in 2010/11 when he at the time was being seen as weak and ineffectual.
Obama’s progressed Moon will be midway through his 2nd house on election day making a pivotal virtual Yod, a turning point in his life with Pluto (ruling his Midheaven) and Neptune (ruling his 2nd house of self worth). The Moon here tends to see one setting down roots and spending money to enhance one’s surroundings. Doesn’t sound like the progressed Moon is describing him moving his residence anytime soon.
This star map shows sunrise on election day and gives the biggest clue to who may win on the day. We have Venus as the “Morning Star” rising before Saturn (the King) representing the established leader (Obama) and the Sun, auspicious for the King (Obama) as Venus is conferring her blessings upon the holder of high office. Normally when Venus rises in the morning, it assists independent action and a chance for those in charge to take a few risks, thus a morning star Venus rising tends to favour established leaders rather than challengers who have to strike deals, make concessions and find the need to cooperate to get the chance to assume the top position. As Venus shines her light on Saturn (representing Obama), Jupiter normally seen in Visual Astrology as the prince in waiting or the challenger to the throne (representing Romney) is nowhere to be seen.
Assessing the fixed stars of the day of the election over Washington we have Uranus at the nadir of the chart as the star Betelgeuse in the constellation Orion is setting. Bernadette Brady says of this combination that the people tend to favour the establishment policies of the incumbent leader; another vote for Obama here. We also have Neptune sitting at 0:22 Pisces on the day directly opposite the star Regulus the heart of the lion in the constellation in Leo which is currently residing at 0:01 Virgo. Amazing coincidence this, as we have a Leo pitted against a Pisces (ruled by Neptune) for the crown of the Presidency reflected so clearly in the stars of the day. Brady says in her interpretation of this connection that “a leader fails, the king is dead”. Which leader fails, the leader of the Republicans or of the Democrats? Whichever one does fall, there are going to be some angry scenes and rather upset people afterwards as Saturn is in paran relationship with Hamal the main star in the constellation of Aries. Through this connection, I am certain that a section of the people are going to be rather angry and disillusioned, and there are going to be some harsh critics of how the population of the US has come to their decision.
Maybe the defeat of one of the candidates and the associated anger that the stars foretell will be down to over-confidence? Mercury on the day will be in paran relationship with the star Sadalmelek which is a star in the urn of the water bearer in Aquarius. Brady says of Sadalmelek/Mercury that “overconfidence will derail a plan considered to be invincible”. I tend to think that this refers to Romney. Not only does he have a Gemini ascendant ruled by Mercury, but also transiting Jupiter as I pointed earlier will be square his chart ruler, bringing him an air of invincibility and over-estimation of his strength and of his position.
Having looked at the election from every conceivable angle, I can only see one outcome – a win for President Obama.
Romney’s natal chart does show a key to this which may have been sitting in his chart from birth – his Saturn and Midheaven is blocked by Pluto and Obama just happens to have a Pluto Midheaven himself. Obama’s (ambition) natal Saturn is conjunct natal Jupiter so with him there is no impediment to his rise in stature. If you were wondering why Romney lost in 2008 to John McCain, it’s very simple as McCain’s Saturn in Pisces was in direct conjunction with Romney’s Pisces Sun, holding authority and power over him.
The planets rising on election day also favour the President as do the planet’s relationships to the fixed stars and I think that barring some unforeseen events before election day, Barack Obama will be staying put in the White House for 4 more years.
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