Monday, October 31, 2011


Executive Orders by the President

The Job Killers - The Real Problem

Uncle Sam drowning in a bathtub
The next time you're in line at the permit office,  or pacing at the bus stop, or losing an axle to a pothole think of TEA/GOP politicians and their government paid health-care and pensions secure, jetting around the country on the taxpayers' dime or chill-in at the CNN green room, and funneling big money giveaways to corporate cronies while the poor schmucks in front of you are one budget cut away from losing their jobs. 
Obama/Biden 2012  [TEA/GOP] strategy is to suffocate the economy for the sake of what they think will be a political victory. They think that the more folks see Washington taking no action to create jobs, the better their chances in the next election. So they’re doing everything in their power to make sure nothing gets done. 

November 2011

Even when he loses, Grover Norquist wins. This is one of the unsettling conclusions to be drawn from Peter Dreier and Donald Cohen’s December 20 feature, “Grover Norquist’s Real Game: Shifting Power and Wealth to the 1 Percent,” posted on

Corruption Profile of Grover Norquist  - Link
Video Link - GOP Puppets

Rather than support a jobs bill that would put hundreds of thousands of Americans back to work, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says Republicans are following Grover Norquist "like puppets."

The Eerie Influence of Grover Norquist - by Kevin Drum - Link

American's For Tax Reform, Grover Norquist - Wiki

Click on Chart - Larger Image 

Stars Over Washington - Link

November  2011 by Henry Seltzer
The Astrology of November features Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Mercury. One reason that Mercury is highlighted this month is that the planet of communication is conjunct Venus and parallel to Pluto at the time of the Scorpio New Moon from the end of last month that characterizes this current monthly cycle.
Mercury is conjunct Venus nearly all month long before turning retrograde on the 23rd, one day before another exciting New Moon that is also a Solar Eclipse. The Mercury retrograde period that is initiated then and lasts through the entire month of December – when you take the Mercury retrograde shadow period into account – will have the usual characteristics of missed communication and mechanical breakdown as we turn inward for this holiday season in order to better understand our own nature and the nature of the culture in which we find ourselves an active participant.
By the beginning of November and at the First Quarter Moon on November 2nd, the Sun and Mars form a bi-quintile yod to Uranus, while Uranus is in turn quintile to the Moon’s South Node, marking in the heavens four points of a five-pointed star. This brings a powerful dose of the intuitional and surprising energy of Uranus into the picture, since this month’s lunations aspect Uranus as well, while Pluto remains square.

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