Friday, August 24, 2012

Undercover at the GOP's Vigilante Project to Disrupt the Nov. Election (excerpt)

Link 1 

The meeting was a state summit organized by a group called True The Vote. - LINK 2

The group’s Web site was very thin, but as knowledgeable people told me, they had big money behind them and were organizing on a scale that recalled the early days of the Christian Coalition. 

True the Vote is a voting vigilante group that never should have grown past its Texas cowboy-meets-Tea Party justice roots. Its top leaders have a string ‘em up, guilty-until-proven-innocent mindset. They represent the most extreme views on the Right when it comes to voting.
As 2012’s presidential election approaches, True the Vote has three main focuses: policing new voter registrations and winnowing existing voter rolls; training polling place watchers to spot and protest all kinds of slights that undermine voting; and filing suits to prompt states and counties to purge voter rolls.

What we know is that there is an ascendant nationwide right-wing movement to police American elections. We know that movement is turning to dishonest public intellectuals to educate its ranks. We know the focus is much bigger than new voter ID laws, and that True the Vote may or may not disrupt polling place voting this fall.

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